I Stay Away To Stay Engaged

Shuang-Min Chang
2 min readDec 4, 2023

I have been away, not from life but from social media; not from business but from the absent-minded scrolling.

One afternoon, I got sick of my habitual tendency of picking up the phone and checking notifications on social medium at an interval.

Yes, I was among those who weren’t stuck to social medium.

Yes, my screen time with them was way below average.


Staying aware and alerted to this tendency took energy.

Stopping myself picking up the phone when I became aware took energy.

Catching myself scrolling and deciding to put down the phone took energy.

Judging myself and then trying to un-judging myself took energy.

Such waste of energy and time!

So, I remove ALL from my phone.

I made a clear declaration that I would only look at them during my business hour and be extremely conscious to choose the content I consume.

The energy flow became more continuous and stable.

The time is less fragmented and better allocated.

As a result, the mind is more peaceful; the thoughts are clearer; the attention is more focused.

I created more connections and engagement and even new clients by removing myself from my own place of work.

How often in your day do you complain about not having work life balance, even just thinking of it in your mind?

How often in your evening or weekend do you check and reply work related messages and emails and even start working while you are with friends or family or the Netflix movie you put on the screen?

How often is your attention maxed out during the non-stop messaging from boss and colleagues that you arrive at work exhausted already Monday morning?

How often do you spend time attempting to reply all messages and at the end of the day, you don’t get to do what’s really important and so you put in extra hour?

How often are you so caught in some back-and-forth emailing that you don’t remember what’s the objective of that anymore?

When you can really draw the line, the balance starts.

When you can really step away, the engagements levels up.

Where and When do you need to draw a line or step away Today. Right now. so that you could set you up for next level of success?

Be love and be loved.



Shuang-Min Chang

Life transformer & Intuitive healer. I am love. I am light and I am the manifestation of divinity. I surf and serve and am open to be everything life is.