Vulnerability is our most accurate way to measure courage

Shuang-Min Chang
3 min readMar 27, 2022

Both are by Brene Brown

I wrote this piece on 20 Mar 2021; it popped up and I felt compelled to share (again).


Today is as good as any day to embrace vulnerability.

I know that there are days regardless our impeccable affirmation and gratitude practices, we just feel the world crumbling down.

I know that there are days regardless our growth mindset and optimism, we just feel the world crumbling down.

At this very moment,

We no longer believe that this time we are going to get out of it.

We no longer believe that we are enough and loved so much.

We no longer believe that we are strong and resourceful.

We simply don’t have the strength to hold it together.

The tears of laughter if we are not careful turn into cries.

The loneliness caves in so quickly from no where.

With last grit, we continue showing up.

With last grit each second, we continue showing up.

The shattered world is our secret and ours alone. We continue showing up.

I know and I understand, it’s an impossible moment and we don’t feel like being strong but we continue showing up.

It’s ok.

Acknowledge the sorrow.

Acknowledge the anger.

Acknowledge the loneliness.

Acknowledge the emptiness.

Acknowledge the bitterness.

And continue showing up.

For that we love our lives that much we can’t not show up.

Acknowledge the vulnerability which allegedly make you weak and unsuccessful.

For we love life this much, in vulnerability, we come out and we will come out even brighter and stronger.

For we love life this much, in vulnerability, we find courage.



My journey with the most vulnerable part of self continues. I had denied its rightful space in my life for most of my adulthood because what how the society labels it; yet, only through allowing and accepting, I realized that its where most of my superpower came from.

For most people, I came across strong, brave and even invincible. Truth be told, I am all of them and at the same time, none of them.

There were times I was completely shattered and I wished not needing to show up anymore. I cried alone and nursed the wounds alone.

Then, I recalled when I was 23 in the darkest time in my life, I decided to choose life.

Yes, I love life, not just mine, this much.

I truly believe that we could nurse and nurture a very different world if we could come and show up from this tender place in ourselves.



With everything going on in the world now, I wonder, what if the condition of showing power to proof and dominate can fade away and a new frame of embracing our fragile humanness and be together.





  • Are you an achiever, a doer and a go getter? Achieving is daily life for you; yet, is there a voice constantly telling you you are not enough?
  • Have you had setbacks, heart breaks, challenges, struggles and you simply get up and get going?
  • Do you have parts of you neatly tucked away because everyone says those will stop you from being successful?
  • Do you play by the rules in every aspect of your life and feel exhausted and lost?
  • Do you have a story or a truth burning inside; yet, you never have the permission to speak it out?
  • Do you do yoga, meditation and the whole set of spiritual practice but still find no peace and flow?

Do you want to claim your innate freedom, show up with untethered love and dare your deepest and boldest dreams?


When you are ready, here is how I can help you change your reality:

  • Get clear answers and steps on how to step into your born freedom to be successful in life, Book a Freedom to Success accelerator call Here
  • Get insights and stories how to create unapologetic success in your inbox. Here

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Shuang-Min Chang

Life transformer & Intuitive healer. I am love. I am light and I am the manifestation of divinity. I surf and serve and am open to be everything life is.